Welcome to the STCRA
Thank you for visiting the website of the Shrewsbury Town Centre Residents' Association.
The STCRA was established in 1991 by a group of Town Centre residents seeking to promote a balance between the residential, business and visitor interests which maintain the essential character of Shrewsbury.
The Association continues to fulfil this role, working to represent Town Centre residents on the issues of the day, and playing an active part in the often lively discussions that take place surrounding the future of our town.
As well as discussions on serious policy and campaigning issues, STCRA has always been proud to have a social element, hosting garden parties and drinks evenings to bring the community together.
In 2003, STCRA became a founding member of the National Association of Residents' Associations. We continue to be a member of NORA to this day.
If you live within the loop of the river and are interested in improving our wonderful historic Town Centre for all, we would be delighted to have you as a member!
Our Aims
STCRA has played an important role in making local voices heard on a variety of issues over the 30+ years since it was founded, on topics like planning, policing, and preserving local heritage.
The Association has six key aims listed in the Constitution, which we hope reflect the views of Town Centre residents and provide a framework for our work to improve Shrewsbury.
To promote the interests of those residents of Shrewsbury Town Centre living within the river loop.
To represent the interests of residents to local and national authorities and other organisations.
To promote a balance between residential, business and visitor interests which maintains the essential character of Shrewsbury and enhances the quality of life of all who live and work there.
To negotiate co-operative activities with other voluntary and statutory bodies interested in the town at large, and in a manner, which promotes the other aims, listed above.
To encourage an increased number of residents into the town centre thus helping to ensure a vigorous community life.
To monitor and comment on planning and development issues such as the use of open spaces, traffic schemes, and parking, policing, and street cleansing.
As an Association run by members, the Constitution is a living document, and we are always keen to hear from people if they have suggestions for matters STCRA ought to be taking up.
We can be contacted on email at info.stcra@gmail.com or by sending a letter to 2 St Alkmonds Place, Shrewsbury, SY1 1UJ for further information.